Another Beans Edition: Kidney Beans


I thought why not talk about another bean today like I did so yesterday. Today I had kidney beans. I am not the biggest fan but it does have the usual benefits of legumes:

– good source of protein and fiber

– lowers risk of heart disease

– stabilizes blood sugar levels

My Aversion To Meat


Two weeks ago, after beginning to watch a lot of documentaries about food, health, and fitness for this blog for class, I started to get sick of the sight of meat.

In a weird way, it was like everything came together in one moment.

Firstly, I was junior head of the environment club in middle school and high school so I am well aware of the environmental detriments of eating meat. Secondly, I love animals. I did not, however, realize how my love for them could be linked to choosing not to eat meat until I watched videos of the mass production and torture of cows, chickens, pigs, goats, etc. on farms. I was crying through these documentaries. Finally, as I have gotten older, I have really begun to embrace living a life that is consistent with my values. All of this came together and I woke up one day and the sight of meat made me nauseous.

I was afraid I would feel weak without the protein from meat but, on the contrary, I have felt more energetic. My midday slump has gone away. I don’t feel the urge to take afternoon naps anymore.

I was cooking a beef stew yesterday for the family I live with. It didn’t feel right not to taste the food I was cooking for others, so I thought I will just have a tiny spoonful. As soon as that spoon hit my tongue I started gagging and I had to spit it out. It was gross and impressive at the same time 🙂

I think, for me, meat is history.