The Key to Success

Photo Credit: Tumblr.

Photo Credit: Tumblr.

My answer: A Come Rain or Shine Attitude

There is a famously watched TED Talk by Angela Lee Duckworth talking about the key to success. Although her example was rooted in experiences with children in school, I think her conclusion applies to absolutely any challenge anyone faces.

The key to success, Duckworth says, is GRIT.

Her talk is very informative and motivational. Check it out.

Beachbody June Challenge


Beachbody is having a challenge pack offer right now. For the purchase of a month’s supply of Shakeology you can get 21 Day Fix for just $10 extra.

I am seriously contemplating getting this. I heard 21 Day Fix is a great beginner program. The program is taught by celebrity trainer Autumn Calabrese and is 21 days of 30 minute exercise performed seven days a week.

The exercises include a combination of pilates, yoga, and aerobics. It also comes with seven containers to measure your food and learn about eating a clean diet.

My parents are coming to visit me, next month, during their annual vacation and they think this would be a good program for us to undertake as a family.

Kayla Itsines’ Tips for A Flat Stomach

Kayla Itsines Blog

Kayla Itsines Blog

Godess of fitness, Kayla Itsines, published a great post today on tips for a flat stomach. She recommends:

1. Eat a snack at 3 p.m. – People usually start getting antsy for a snack around this time.

2. Stay away from salt – It could be the reason for feeling bloated or puffy.

3. Chew slowly – Eating too fast may mean you are swallowing air along the way which could lead to a bloated feeling.

4. Find your Zen: To reduce comfort eating.

5. Go Green: Green tea boost metabolism and helps your body utilize fat.

6. Watch the sugar: There is a lot of “hidden sugars” even in healthy foods.

7. Perform Cardio daily: This will keep your metabolism going and help you lose weight and get lean.


Today was a great day! 🙂

I was talking to my brother about how hopeless I felt about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It’s almost embarrassing to have this blog because it’s like a document of all my failures.

He told me if I want something badly enough, I should just stick to it.

He said: “You want results to show overnight and they just won’t. You need to commit to a healthy lifestyle and tell yourself you will stick to this lifestyle even if you don’t see any results one month from now. And one day, it will all fall in place and you will notice.”

This motivated me (and him, simultaneously :P) and I decided I will eat clean today. Maybe I won’t tomorrow, or the day after that, but today I WILL.

The doubts immediately swarmed my mind, the negative thoughts said: “You don’t have the self control,” “What’s the point anyway, you are past the point of no return.”

And I did get tempted during the day but I am proud to confess, I ate clean all day! And almost like destiny, my roommates decided to eat vegetarian today so all of us ate Tofu.

Breakfast: Chocolate Shakeology
Lunch: 2 Tofu Spring Rolls with Peanut Sauce
Dinner: Tofu and Veggie Stir Fry

I also did a T-25 workout!

I feel pretty great going to bed. I don’t know about tomorrow, but today, today was great!


Let’s Get Physical, Physical!


Music can be a really motivating part to a workout. I know for me personally, some tunes are reserved specifically for when I need the extra push.

For this reason, I just love 8tracks’ workout playlist!

Here’s a taste of what you can find: Run, little hipster 🙂

Run, little hipster from 792083205 on 8tracks Radio.

How Long To Exercise For A Longer Life?

Two people running on promenade

Photo Credit: The Huffington Post.

I read an article recently from The New York Times discussing the much debated topic of how long is the right amount of exercise to live longer.

The current guidelines from government and health organizations calls for 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week to build and maintain health and fitness, the article states.

The article, based on the findings in two studies, concludes that we should aim to reach at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week, adding that 20-30 minutes of that 150 minutes should be vigorous activity.