Kayla Itsines’ Tips for A Flat Stomach

Kayla Itsines Blog

Kayla Itsines Blog

Godess of fitness, Kayla Itsines, published a great post today on tips for a flat stomach. She recommends:

1. Eat a snack at 3 p.m. – People usually start getting antsy for a snack around this time.

2. Stay away from salt – It could be the reason for feeling bloated or puffy.

3. Chew slowly – Eating too fast may mean you are swallowing air along the way which could lead to a bloated feeling.

4. Find your Zen: To reduce comfort eating.

5. Go Green: Green tea boost metabolism and helps your body utilize fat.

6. Watch the sugar: There is a lot of “hidden sugars” even in healthy foods.

7. Perform Cardio daily: This will keep your metabolism going and help you lose weight and get lean.

Should I Eat Before My Workout?


Today, a question I have often wondered about was answered by Bikini Body Trainer Kayla Itsines: Should I Workout On An Empty Stomach?

It was an informative post and I encourage you read it if you ask yourself this same question.

I usually wake up feeling so hungry I need breakfast or else I would be half-assing my workout.

What I learned from Kayla’s blog post is to listen to my body’s needs. And if I do eat, I should give it a couple of hours before working out because blood is being diverted away to help with the digestion of my food. This reduces the oxygen available to maximize fat-burning. Noted!

Learn something new everyday 🙂