Let’s Get Physical, Physical!


Music can be a really motivating part to a workout. I know for me personally, some tunes are reserved specifically for when I need the extra push.

For this reason, I just love 8tracks’ workout playlist!

Here’s a taste of what you can find: Run, little hipster 🙂


Run, little hipster from 792083205 on 8tracks Radio.

How I Distract Myself During Long Workouts


I try to workout twice a day because being a student involves a lot of sitting and an almost sedentary lifestyle. And my metabolism sucks.

This past week, I have started my mornings with a Focus T-25 workout. In the evening, I jog a couple of miles and then walk for 30 minutes to an hour.

I hate cardio. I do not enjoy running and I don’t have the stamina to last more than a mile without needing to walk again (this has been improving though!). I do, however, love walking! I love noticing the colors, sounds, and smells of the outdoors 🙂

One of my favorite things to do on walks is listen to podcasts. I listened to season one of Serial during my walks. Serial was so interesting! I looked forward to every workout because I only allowed myself to listen to Serial while walking.

I also love Radiolab and Love + Radio.

Yesterday I listened to an awesome Invisibilia episode on thoughts. The second half of this episode brought me to tears.

Love + Radio’s episode “The Living Room” also brought me to tears. So moving and so worth the 25 minutes of life. Check it out below!

Do you listen to podcasts too? Please let me know which ones in the comments section below. I am a podcast geek and love checking out new shows!

Should I Eat Before My Workout?


Today, a question I have often wondered about was answered by Bikini Body Trainer Kayla Itsines: Should I Workout On An Empty Stomach?

It was an informative post and I encourage you read it if you ask yourself this same question.

I usually wake up feeling so hungry I need breakfast or else I would be half-assing my workout.

What I learned from Kayla’s blog post is to listen to my body’s needs. And if I do eat, I should give it a couple of hours before working out because blood is being diverted away to help with the digestion of my food. This reduces the oxygen available to maximize fat-burning. Noted!

Learn something new everyday 🙂

Diet Fail

I absolutely struggled with my willpower during my workout today. I did finish it and wholeheartedly but I was a bit taken aback but how much I resisted it. Another downer was my diet. I went out after working out for my friend’s birthday and the night included ice cream sandwiched between two cookies and a shot..and some late night snacking…

I’m trying not to be too hard on myself though. I have also decided to take my rest day tomorrow. I will enjoy the World Cup match with Spain (the team I am supporting) and I am going to a concert at night 🙂

There’s ups, there will be downs, just got to get back up and keep on keeping on.

The Numbers Are In…

I was at the grocery store today and caught myself doing bicep curls with a bag of sugar! All this working out has gotten me interactive with my produce 🙂

Despite it only being a week, I am happy that I have stayed motivated and consistent. And the numbers prove it.

My starting weight: 118 lbs

My weight today: 115 lbs

My Week 1 pictures don’t look very different from Week 2 pictures though. However, I do see a noticeable difference in my…neck fat haha. There is no attractive way of phrasing that, is there? My skin feels glowier too!

I hope this isn’t an unhealthy amount of weight to lose in a week though. The articles I have read said to aim for 1-2 lbs a week. My diet has to improve as well. I went from eating too little, to eating much more but absolute junk like Digestive biscuits and Lays chips. No worries, it’s a work in progress.


Cardio Tip


All credit to today’s workout actually happening goes to the above image!

I got myself out of bed and snapped out of the easy-to-get-used-to rest day vibes. I try to spend a lot of free time researching workout routines and nutritional tips. I find that keeping my mind on exercise keeps me motivated and focused.

The thing I learned today is that you can make mistakes while working out on a treadmill. Who would have thought? One mistake I was making was holding onto the bars during the brisk walk portion of my workout. You actually burn more calories and train better if you don’t do that! Here’s a read with nine more treadmill dont’s. 

My father would always come to my room when I was doing homework and he’d ask me how studying was going. I’d say “working hard, dad.” Dad would reply, “Don’t just work hard. Work smart.” 

Good tip. It’s made me approach exercising in a whole new, experimental and seemingly efficient way. Go, me!


The Rest Day

Today was my rest day. I chose today because my musician brothers were playing a festival so I knew chances were there wouldn’t be much time to workout.

I was looking forward to this day because of how hard I’ve been working out yet when the day finally arrived, I wanted to train.

I didn’t, but that was a lovely surprise for a feeling 🙂

And another surprise! I drank 1/4th of a beer before just wanting to stick to water. Which I did. 10 hours, 10 bands, 1/4th of a beer + lots and lots of dancing. Yeaaaaaaaaaaah!

“If nothing ventured, nothing learned”

slowly but surely

slowly but surely

Today was Cardio day. I spent an hour on the treadmill, alternating between brisk walking and running. Props to my playlist for keeping me going. I really struggled to push through around the 30-minute mark. But before I knew it – cool down, workout complete.

I’m growing real fond of that feeling after. Smiles, sweat-drenched clothes. Feelings of pride and accomplishment. The self high-five. The hurt so good.

The best part: Knowing it’s all for my mother!

This training for races thing is a lot harder than I imagined. I’m still researching the best course of action to take. There’s so much advice online; so many tips – Who should I listen to? Where do I begin? I don’t know.

What I do know is I have to keep getting myself to the gym everyday. Even though I feel I have no idea what I’m doing.

It’s like the first day of school, or work, when everything seems new, vast, intimidating. But when you leave, everything looks familiar and conquered.

Here’s a song for you. It reminds me: “if nothing ventured, nothing learned” 🙂